Environmental human rights issues on international investment arbitration and economic development: perspectives and legal approach

  • Wilson Enrique Amaya Muñoz Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Brayan Alexander Barón Ortegón Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Isis Catalina Páramo Herrera Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Antonio José Martínez Castellanos Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Palabras clave: international arbitration, international investment, human rights, environment, investment protection, development economics, arbitraje internacional, inversión internacional, derechos humanos, ambiente, protección de la inversión, economía del desarrollo


This article explores the relationship between International Investment Arbitration and the international standards of Human Rights, including the ones related to the environment. We found that there is an opposition when applying the Human Rights to the International Investment Regimen. We argue that there are sufficient law foundations to make the investor, and specifically the corporations they own, responsible for their violations of other international standards, even though they are not expressly named in investments treaties. But, there is a problem reflected in the lack of enforceability of the International Human Rights Law in the International Investment Regimen.


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Derecho, economía


Inglés, Español; Castellano


Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivar 4.0 Internacional

Biografía del autor/a

Wilson Enrique Amaya Muñoz, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Economics ninth semester student at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Email: weamayamu@unal.edu.co 

Brayan Alexander Barón Ortegón, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Economics tenth semester student at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Email: babarono@unal.edu.co  

Isis Catalina Páramo Herrera, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Lawyer and Economics eighth semester student at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Email: icparamoh@unal.edu.co

Antonio José Martínez Castellanos, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Law tenth semester student at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Email: anjmartinezca@unal.edu.co

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Cómo citar
Amaya Muñoz, W. E., Barón Ortegón, B. A. ., Páramo Herrera, I. C. ., & Martínez Castellanos, A. J. (2015). Environmental human rights issues on international investment arbitration and economic development: perspectives and legal approach. Justicia Y Derecho, 3, 39–51. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.unicauca.edu.co/index.php/justder/article/view/1669
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