La teoría de la interpretación de Dworkin: un presupuesto de la respuesta correcta

  • Alexander Monroy Rodriguez Grupo Kairos UPTC
Keywords: Interpretación, derecho como argumentación, practicas sociales, creatividad.


This article is derived and extracted from an extensive doctoral work, which was oriented to identify the political, legal, moral and philosophical assumptions to consider the claim of the correct answer in Law feasible. Referring to the above, it is noted that this text will address Dworkin's theory of interpretation from a holistic perspective, which aims to be simultaneously creative and constructivist. The journey will be made through his theory of interpretation, which will imply us to undertake a crusade through the fields of law as argumentation, in the same way that we get involved in the study of the interpretation of art and social practices. Finally, the text will shed light on the object of his postulate, as the exercise of finding a correct interpretation.


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How to Cite
Monroy Rodriguez, A. (2024). La teoría de la interpretación de Dworkin: un presupuesto de la respuesta correcta. Justicia Y Derecho, 11, 25–41. Retrieved from
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