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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text must have: Title, Authors, Abstract and Keywords (in Spanish and English), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, Bibliographic References. The author must ensure that his manuscript adheres to all the stylistic and biliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines / a , which appear in the About section, Shipping.
  • The text is in Times New Roman font, size 11 points, line spacing and a half (1.5). The manuscript must be sent in a continuous line number format (select these options in word: page layout / line number / continuous). Italic is used instead of underlining (except in URLs). All illustrations, figures and tables are located within the text, not at the end.

Author Guidelines

The Novedades Colombianas Journal was founded in 1954 by the Naturalist and Taxidermist Kjell von Sneidern, who at that time, was the Director of the Natural History Museum of the University of Cauca.

The first publication was conceived as the official scientific dissemination organ of the Museum and six issues were published until 1961. In October 1989, Doctor Alvaro José Negret Fernández, also Director of the Museum, reactivated the journal under the name Novedades Colombianas - Nueva Época and 7 issues were published until 1997. After a considerable recess, the magazine was reactivated in 2005, continuing with the previous denomination and numbering by the director of the Museum and his collaborators, in 2008 it was proposed to restructure the magazine and present it in format digital to facilitate and expand its distribution and coverage.

At present, the Journal is published annually, with articles and contents, product of the research carried out in the national and international territory that involves Colombia and the Neotropical Region.

We accept for publication:

  • Review Articles.
  • Research Articles.
  • Short Notes.

Articles can be in Spanish or English; They must have their respective Summary and Keywords, in English and Spanish, respectively. If possible, it should be delivered in its latest version, without major last minute modifications.

All articles and the editorial process of the Revista Novedades Colombianas are managed through the OJS platform, in which you are browsing. All articles to be submitted to our publication must be uploaded here. To do so, you must enter the top right button "Register" and create your user; there you will be able to upload your article and the manuscript submission letter. This must be signed by the authors, authorizing its publication, approving the order of authorship noted therein, stating that the document is unpublished or that it is not being evaluated by another journal and that there are no conflicts of interest. Institutional affiliation and last academic degree obtained and e-mail addresses of the authors must be attached.

Any communication should be sent to: Revista Novedades Colombianas Museo de Historia Natural - Departamento de Biología de la Universidad del Cauca, to e-mail:

Articles sent for publication will be reviewed in the first instance, by the Editorial Committee to determine the relevance and compliance with the journal's requirements, those that meet these conditions will be evaluated by at least two suitable professionals, using a review format specially designed for this, its acceptance will depend on the concepts received. The peer review process is Double Blind, that is, the anonymity of both the authors and the reviewers is ensured, in order to avoid conflicts of interest.

After receiving the concepts issued by the peer reviewers, the Editorial Committee will inform the authors of the decision of acceptance, acceptance with changes or rejection of the manuscript. Authors must send the manuscript again with the suggested corrections, using the "change control" tool in Word or highlighting the modifications made, within a period of less than fifteen (15) business days, together with a letter replying to each comment made by the Editorial Committee and the peer reviewers. No work will be accepted definitively without receiving said letter. If necessary, new rounds of evaluation will be made until the editorial committee makes a final decision.


The Editorial Committee reserves the right to make corrections to the style, format, presentation and review of the quality of English in the text, without altering its content. Once the manuscript has been accepted for publication in the Journal, the author will be notified of the decision. All work will receive a code that the author must use when corresponding with the journal.

Manuscripts must adhere to the standards indicated in the instructions for authors. The opinions and judgments expressed in the content of the articles published by the Novedades Colombianas Journal are the responsibility of the author or authors, and do not necessarily represent the Editorial Committee.



The body of the manuscript must contain:

• Title: It should be concise and informative, and contain up to 16 words as much as possible.

• Authors: Full names of the authors, indicating the postal address of the main author, as well as the electronic addresses and institutional affiliations of all the authors.

• Summary: It will present clear information on the objectives, justification, methods and results of the work, an extension of 250 words, maximum 6 keywords in Spanish and English, separated by commas and different from those used in the title.

• Introduction: It should highlight the importance of the research, present the related literature, and provide the necessary background to understand the authors' hypothesis, ending with a paragraph that clearly indicates the objectives of the research.

• Materials and Method: It must have enough information to allow another researcher to replicate the trial and achieve the same results, as well as the inclusion of the experimental design, statistical analysis and references of the methods already published. Name the place and date where the investigation was carried out. If possible include coordinates.

• Results and discussion: They should be presented clearly, supported by tables and figures, with statistical analysis and the achievements of other researchers that feed the discussion of the findings found.

• Conclusions: clear and precise description, derived from the analysis of the results and based on the objectives set.

• Acknowledgments are included if the author (s) wishes (s), written in a sober way and not exceeding 10 lines.

• Bibliographic references: It must contain all the documents consulted in alphabetical order (see style of cited literature). Please avoid citing thesis papers, extension papers, conference abstracts or local reports; instead cite the publication associated with the latter. Check the reference and note the punctuation, spacing, names and initials of the author (s), full name of the journal, volume, number and pages.

Figures (must go along the text, not at the end): They include drawings, maps, graphs and photographs, they must be cited in numerical order in the text appearing within the text and processed in the original format, with good contrast and resolution ( minimum quality of 300 dpi in TIFF or JPG format) to avoid polychrome and facilitate diagramming; They can be in color or black and white, they must be self-explanatory and not duplicate what is stated in the text; It is recommended to use image tiles instead of several individual figures.

If the citation is in parentheses, it should be indicated as "(Fig. XX)", example: In figure 1 or (Fig. 1). Composite figures must be marked with letters, examples: (Fig. 1A) (Figs. 1 A-C). The legend of the figure is in the lower part in bold. Figures should be in two dimensions, as simple as possible, using shades of gray for filling instead of patterns.

Tables: They must be included and cited in numerical order in the text. The title must be concise and self-explanatory of the content of the table and must go at the top (Table XX. In bold), footnotes can be used. the table marked with numbers or asterisks. The horizontal lines of the body of the table can be left and the internal horizontal lines in the table must be eliminated. There should be no internal vertical lines to the data within the table. The font size inside a table is Times New Roman, size 9 points and, in the event that a footer for a table / figure or reference font is needed, it must be written in Times New Roman, size 8 points.

Authors should be selective in the use of figures and tables, determining the data to be presented in the article, avoiding repeating the information. Figures and tables are useful for presenting complex or large data in a more understandable way.

The tables and figures included in the text must be sent in a separate file in original format to be able to edit them or make the necessary adjustments, if necessary.


Bibliographic citations in the text

They must go in parentheses with the author's last name and the year. Example (Cárdenas, 1988). (Rodríguez and Márquez, 1987). When there are more than three authors of the bibliographic citation, the first author is cited accompanied by the words et al. Example (Polis et al., 2001). In addition, when the author or authors are included in the writing of the sentence, only the year of publication will go in parentheses, Sánchez (1995). Cárdenas and Gómez (1994). To connect the surnames in case of two authors, use for articles in Spanish “y” and in English “and”, the symbol “&” should not be used.

Cited Bibliography

The bibliography must be organized in alphabetical order, number of authors and by date, it must only contain the references cited in the text and comply with the following rules:

- Article published in a printed journal: It must contain author (s), year of publication, title, journal, volume, number and pages.

Examples: Wiesenborn, W. D. 2004. Mouth parts and alimentary canal of Opsius tactogalus Fieber (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 77(2): 152-155.

Santos, T. y Tellería, J. L. 2006. Pérdida y fragmentación del hábitat: efecto sobre la conservación de las especies. Revista Ecosistemas, 15(2): 3-12.

- Article published in a printed journal available on the Internet: It must contain author (s), year of publication, title, journal, volume, number, pages and URL.

Examples: Mari Mutt, J. A. 1999. Print vs. the Internet: On the Future of the Scientific Journal. Caribbean Journal of Science, 25(1-2): 160- 164.

Herbst-Damn, K. L. y Kulik, J. A. 2005. Volunteer support, marital status, and the survival times of terminally ill patients. Health Psychology, 24, 225-229. doi:10.1037/0278-6133.24.2.225.

-Article published in Event Memories Books: It must contain author (s), year of publication, title, article pages, name of the event book, city of completion and total pages of the book.

Example: Flórez, E. y Lourenço, W. 1994. Escorpiones de la Región Pacífico de Colombia. Una Aproximación a su Diversidad, Biogeografía y Conservación.
Pp:153-160. Memorias I CONGRESO NACIONAL SOBRE BIODIVERSIDAD. Cali: Universidad del Valle y Ministerio del Ambiente. 205 pp.

- Article published in an electronic journal: It must contain author (s), year of publication, title, journal, volume and URL.

Examples: Bustamante, J. O. 2004. New biotechnological applications of Coconuts. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology. 7(1): issues/1/index.html.

Galetto, L., Aguilar, R., Musicante, M., Astegiano, J., Ferreras, A., Jausoro, M., ... y Eynard, C. 2007. Fragmentación de hábitat, riqueza de polinizadores, polinización y reproducción de plantas nativas en el Bosque Chaqueño de Córdoba, Argentina. Ecología austral, 17(1): 67-80. 782X2007000100006.

- Chapter of a book: It must contain: author, year of publication, chapter title, chapter pages, book publishers, book title, publishing house, city where the publishing house is located and total pages of the book.

Example: Simard, M. and Watt, D. 2004. Venoms and Toxins. Pp 64-161. En: Polis, G. (Ed.) The Biology of Scorpions. Stanford University Press, Stanford. 286 pp.

- Book: It must contain: author, year of publication, title of the book, publishing house, city where the publishing house is located and pages.

Example: Eckert, R. D. Randall y Agustine, G. 1992. Fisiología Animal, Mecanismos y Adaptaciones. Interamericana-McGraw-Hill, Madrid. 683 pp.

- Degree or Thesis Works: It must contain: Author. Year. Title. College. Faculty. Department. City and pages.

Example: Rojas Briñez, D. K. 2008. Composición y estructura de pequeños mamíferos no voladores en un gradiente altitudinal en la Reserva Forestal Protectora Bellavista, del flanco oriental de la cordillera central colombiana. Trabajo de Grado en Biología. Universidad del Tolima, Facultad de Ciencias Básicas, Programa de Biología. Ibagué – Tolima. 121 pp.

- Page Document or Electronic Portal: Name or title of the document [Internet]. Year of the document. Name of the host page or electronic portal. Access date: year month day. Available at:

Example in the Bibliography, v. g .: Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety [Internet]. 2000. Convention on Biological Diversity. Date of access: 2007 Jul 07.Available at:

Example in the Text, v. g .:
"... (Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety 2000)"; "according to Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (2000)".

- Page or Electronic Portal: Name or title of the page or electronic portal, or Author (s) [Internet]. Year of update. Host organization or institution. Access date: year month day. Available at:

En la Bibliografía, v. g.: Convention on Biological Diversity [Internet]. 2009. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Fecha de acceso: 2009 Feb 16. Disponible en:

In the Text, v. g.:
... (Convention on Biological Diversity 2009)"; "según Convention on Biological Diversity 2009)"

Other stylistic specifications

The manuscript must be in Times New Roman font, size 11; 1.5 spacing, without justification. It should not exceed 25 pages, including bibliographic references.

Latin words and scientific names of taxa must be in italics, their nomenclature will conform to the rules and recommendations of the relevant international code of nomenclature, in its most recent edition. The author and year of each taxon should only appear the first time they are mentioned in text. Abbreviations such as sp., Sp. nov., spp., are not in italics. The manuscript must be sent in a continuous line number format (select these options in word: page layout / line number / continuous). Thus, the evaluator will be able to indicate their comments in the line of the manuscript where it is located.

The integers from zero to nine must be written with letters (one, two, etc. and not 1, 2, 3, etc.) and are not followed by units. Examples: three replicates, eight plots, six species. If your work includes geographic coordinates, they should be written in the following abbreviated form: (4 ° 46 'N and 75 ° 24' W); north. "West" is abbreviated with W, not O.

The metric system and its abbreviations should be used for all measurements. When using decimal figures, they must be separated with commas (,) for articles in Spanish and with a period (.) For articles in English (eg: 0.010, 3.45, 1.045.3 in Spanish and 0.010, 3.45, 1.045. 3 in English).

Symbols for common units such as length, mass, time, or volume should be indicated like this:
Meter (s) = m; Kilometer (s) = km; Centimeter (s) = cm; Millimeter (s) = mm; Gram (s) = g; Kilogram (s) = kg; Second (s) = s; Minute (s) = min; Hour (s) = h; Liter (s) = L or l; Molar = M; revolutions per minute = rpm. Meters above sea level: masl (2,350 masl).

The dates should be ordered like this: day - month (in letters) - year. Example: April 23, 2000.

When using acronyms, their full meaning must be written the first time they are used in the text, followed by the acronym in parentheses. Only the acronym will be used in the rest of the text. Example: Environmental Management Plan (EMP).


1. The text should be sent to the email address, accompanied by a letter signed by each of the authors, clearly stating that it has been approved by all and that the article in question has not been published in whole or in part in another journal and is not currently in another editorial process. Additionally, the delivery letter must explicitly state that the authors reviewed in detail, fully complied with the Journal's instructions and verified all the sections of their manuscript as described in these indications; For this, the authors must use the standard format of the “manuscript delivery letter” of the Novedades Journal that will be sent to those interested in publishing.

2. The editor checks if the document complies with the general indications of the Journal. Otherwise, it will inform the authors, via email, to make the necessary changes. If the text complies with the indications, the editorial process begins and it is sent to two peer reviewers, the vast majority external to the editorial committee and the publishing institution. This process is done through a double blind system.

3. The peer reviewers issue a concept in accordance with the criteria established by the Journal and determine whether it is a document a) publishable, b) publishable with minor recommendations, c) publishable with major recommendations or d) not publishable / rejected for publication . For the first case (a), we continue with step number 5 and for the last (d), the authors are notified via email.

4. In the case of an article that requires modifications (b, c), it will be returned to the authors so that they can make the suggested adjustments and send the new version to the editor, within a maximum period of 15 business days.

download author guidelines here

letter of authorization for publication

form for reviewers   

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.