First record of the tropical otter or river wolf (Lontra longicaudis Olfers 1818) in the Andean-Amazonian foothills and comments on the distribution in Putumayo, Colombia

  • Elkin Noguera Urbano Museo de Zoología “Alfonso L. Herrera”, Departamento de Biología Evolutiva, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Silvia Montenegro Muñoz 2 Grupo de Investigación GAICA, Departamento de Biología, Universidad de Nariño
Keywords: Lontra longicaudis Olfers 1818, Andean-Amazonian foothills, distribution, Colombia


The fauna of the Amazon slope is one of the most diverse in the world (Gentry, 1990; Patterson et al., 2006), characterized mainly by restricted and endemic species (Hernández et al., 1992; Kattan et al., 2004). In southwestern Colombia, the Amazon Biogeographic Province converges with the Norandina Biogeographic Province in the so-called Andean-Amazonian foothills, structuring an area of high diversity, but also with great conservation problems (Hernández et al., 1992).

One of the species that faces negative impacts on its populations in the Andean-Amazonian Foothills, as well as in other regions of the Neotropics is the tropical otter or river wolf (Lontra longicaudis Olfers 1818) (Trujillo and Arcila, 2006), considered as not Common and very sensitive to environmental changes, hunting pressure for the value of its skin has been one of the activities with the greatest impact on the species (Tirira, 2007).


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How to Cite
Noguera Urbano, E., & Montenegro Muñoz, S. (2018). First record of the tropical otter or river wolf (Lontra longicaudis Olfers 1818) in the Andean-Amazonian foothills and comments on the distribution in Putumayo, Colombia. Revista Novedades Colombianas, 11(1). Retrieved from
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