Prolegomena to the Historical Archeology of the Temple and Convent of San Francisco in Popayán

  • Miguel Méndez Gutiérrez Universidad del Cauca
Keywords: Exploration, Structure, Foundation, religious building, Stratigraphic, frontis


During 1993, we carried out two brief seasons of Archaeological Exploration in the Temple and Convent of San Francisco, following the objectives set out in previous works and whose summaries have been published in this same magazine, (Méndez, 1990-1991).
The research was sponsored by the Salazar-Castellanos Engineers Consortium, whose encouragement and opportunity we know well to thank.
For the first phase (February 15 to March 31) one of the objectives was to inquire about the types of foundation structure of some of the walls of the religious building including the observation of the same feature at two points of the tower and determine the stratigraphic concordance between the front wall of the temple and the tower.


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MENDEZ G., Miguel. 1990. Prolegómenos a la Arqueología Histórica del Templo de San Francisco en Popayán (Primera Parte), Novedades Colombianas, Museo de Historia Natural, Unicauca, Popayán.

MENDEZ G., Miguel. 1991., a. Exploraciones Arqueológicas del Convento de San Francisco en Popayán. Informe 3, COLCULTURA, Popayán.

MENDEZ G., Miguel. 1991., b. Prolegómenos a la Arqueología Histórica del Templo de San Francisco en Popayán (Segunda Parte), Novedades Colombianas Museo de Historia Natural, Unicauca, Popayán.

MENDEZ VALENCIA, María Alexandra. 1992, Rasgos Antropológicos e Históricos de la Orden Franciscana de Popayán. Informe a Colcultura, Popayán.

MENDEZ G., Miguel. 1993, 4, a. Exploraciones Arqueológicas del Templo y Convento de San Francisco en Popayán, Informe 4a., Corporación Salazar - Castellanos, Popayán.

MENDEZ G., Miguel. 1993, 4, b. Exploraciones Arqueológicas del Templo y Convento de San Francisco en Popayán, Informe 4b., Corporación Salazar – Castellanos, Popayán.

How to Cite
Méndez Gutiérrez, M. . (1997). Prolegomena to the Historical Archeology of the Temple and Convent of San Francisco in Popayán. Revista Novedades Colombianas, 7(1), 51–57. Retrieved from
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