Adaptive land management for water supply resources managing from Popayán, Cauca (Colombia)

  • Liliana Recamán
  • Diego Edinson Lara-Rivera Fundación Procuenca Río Las Piedras
  • Andrés Felipe Liévano-Bonilla
  • Hugo Portela-Guarín
Keywords: Socio-Ecological Systems, High Mountain Ecosystems, Governance, Management Practices, Adaptation


The new challenge of integrated water resource management in high mountain ecosystems lies in the implementation of an adaptive territorial management approach. This article presents the case of the Las Piedras river sub-basin, located in the department of Cauca. The results reflect the strengthening of social processes to transform the territory, with governance being the key to address land tenure conflict resolution, which went from 54.4% in 1989 to 17.1% in 2016. In addition to the above, environmental planning at the farm level allowed for changes in coverages, including crop mosaics, pastures and natural spaces, going from 7.7% to 29% with a gain of 21.3% and a decrease of clean pastures by 20.4%, allowing the recovery of conservation areas and the development of practices for adaptation to climate variability, reflected in water regulation for the supply of urban and rural communities. It can be inferred that socio-ecological systems that are strengthened through the governance of their territory have a greater impact on planning and management actions for ecosystem services and greater sustainability of water resources.


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How to Cite
Recamán, L., Lara-Rivera, D. E., Liévano-Bonilla, A. F., & Portela-Guarín, H. (2023). Adaptive land management for water supply resources managing from Popayán, Cauca (Colombia). Revista Novedades Colombianas, 18(1).
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