A funeral context with goldsmithing in Popayán

  • Cristobal Gnecco Universidad del Cauca
Keywords: cemetery, mountainous system, grading, tombs, excavation, guaquero


In January of this year, a pre-Hispanic cemetery was guarded in the village of silver neighborhood on a hill in the mountainous system that surrounds Popayan from the south. The site is located 2.5 kilometers from the center of the city. The cemetery, completely guarded due to the hill where it was located, was made up of 25 tombs (Figure 1). Although it was not possible for me to excavate any of them or the topography of the site (since the part of the hill where the cemetery was located was leveled with a bulldozer), I documented the gwedged burials and the findings made in them; this information was complemented by the data provided by the guaquero.


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How to Cite
Gnecco, C. (1997). A funeral context with goldsmithing in Popayán. Revista Novedades Colombianas, 7(1), 83–86. Retrieved from https://revistas.unicauca.edu.co/index.php/novedades/article/view/1384
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