The Culture of the Indigenous People of the Colombian Massif, a Culture of the Andean Framework

  • Franz Faust
Keywords: indigenous culture, Macizo colombiano, coconucos, yanaconas, Cauca


The heights above 2,000 m. in the Colombian Massif are mostly populated by people who self-identify as indigenous.

On the northern slopes of the Puracé volcano and in the Coconuco valley, there is an ethnic group known by outsiders and by self-determination as the Coconucos.

Several authors postulate a kinship of this ethnic group with the Totoroes and the Guambianos who live further north, on the western flank of the Central Cordillera. This insinuates that the Coconucos also possessed a language belonging to the Chibcha linguistic group, as it is still preserved by the indigenous neighbors mentioned above.


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How to Cite
Faust, F. (2019). The Culture of the Indigenous People of the Colombian Massif, a Culture of the Andean Framework. Revista Novedades Colombianas, 6(1). Retrieved from
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