Reading and writing academic practices in the phonoaudiology program at the University of Cauca

  • Pilar Mirely Chois-Lenis Universidad del Cauca Departamento de Fonoaudiología
  • Mauren Santacruz-Realpe Universidad del Cauca
Keywords: Practices of reading and writing, academic reading and writing


This article presents some results of an investigation aimed to characterize the academic literacy practices that are developed in the Phonoaudiology program at the University of Cauca. In this descriptive study, a sample of 24 students was taken from those in the last semester of the first academic period of 2009, who answered a survey of 26 multiple choice questions. The results indicate that the academic moment for which the students write and read the most is for the courses, who develop these practices primarily to be assessed and predominantly read and write their own lecture notes and the materials prepared by their faculty, to the detriment of scientific articles or papers for publication. It is expected, from these results, to generate reflexion processes and actions that qualify the practices of academic literacy within the program for the benefit of academic and professional performance of their students and graduates.


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How to Cite
Chois-Lenis, P. M.; Santacruz-Realpe, M. Reading and Writing Academic Practices in the Phonoaudiology Program at the University of Cauca. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Salud Univ. Cauca 2010, 12, 9-15.
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