Maternal and neonatal complications in pregnant patients adolescents and older than 35 years for july to september 2008. San Jose Universitary Hospital Popayan, Colombia.

  • Fernando Caicedo Universidad del Cauca Departamento de Ginecología y Obstetricia
  • Fabián Emiliano Ahumada Universidad del Cauca
  • Marco Andrés Bolaños Universidad del Cauca
  • Oscar Javier Ortega Universidad del Cauca
  • Cristian David Tejada Universidad del Cauca
Keywords: complications, maternal, neonatal, adolescents, pregnancy


Introduction: The maternal and neonatal complications, presented a high morbidity and mortality, in the pregnant of the extreme ages, especially in developing countries. Objective: To determinate maternal and neonatal complications in pregnant patients teenagers and older 35, during of July to September of 2008. Materials and methods: Retrospective, descriptive and transversal study. It included 88 patients, 40 teenagers, younger’s 18, and 48 patients older 35, those who attended the delivery in the HUSJ between July to September of 2008. We reviewed every history and the information has documented in an instrument. Results: We found that average of delivery in teenagers was 16.1 years, and the oldest women was 38.27, the oldest women has a higher percent of pathological background 18.7% vs 15%. The complications incidence during the pregnancy in teenagers patients 77.5% and oldest women 68.8%, During the delivery and post-delivery, we show that teenagers had incidence major of complications 43% vs 31.25% in oldest woman. Conclusions: The pregnant in extreme ages are a population of high risk obstetric, determined for high incidence of pathologies during the pregnancy, delivery, post delivery and neonatal complications.


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How to Cite
Caicedo, F.; Ahumada, F. E.; Bolaños, M. A.; Ortega, O. J.; Tejada, C. D. Maternal and Neonatal Complications in Pregnant Patients Adolescents and Older Than 35 Years for July to September 2008. San Jose Universitary Hospital Popayan, Colombia. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Salud Univ. Cauca 2010, 12, 14-20.
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