Threshold hearing in students of second semester of the school of Health Sciences of Cauca University exposed a noise audio players, 2007-2008

  • María Consuelo Cháves Universidad del Cauca Departamento de Fonoaudiología
  • Miryan Adela Barreto Universidad del Cauca Departamento de Fonoaudiología
  • Darlyn Yiseth López Universidad del Cauca
  • Lucy Johanna Pino Universidad del Cauca
  • Yuly Alejandra Potosí Universidad del Cauca
  • Laura Sotelo-Burbano Universidad del Cauca
Keywords: threshold hearing, deafness, sound players, intensity


Hearing is one of the psycho- physiological process that gives to human beings the capacity of hearing, when hearing is affected a deafness is got, which may be caused by different factors. Such as the exposure to noise when we use sound players. Objective: the purpose of this research is to establish the threshold of undergraduates who often use sound players to find out a possible deafness. Material and methods: a descriptive study of transverse cut was carried out with 92 students who were polled. An anamnesis of exposure to noise by sound players, for register of results and tonal audiometry qualification. 70 anamnesis were carried out, 29 cares were selected based on an inclusion and exclusion criterion. A tonal audiometry and the measurement of sound of the personal sound player were carried out to the students who were selected. Results: it was found out that 13.8% of the assessed students presented a little deafness and 86.2% presented a normal hearing. Conclusions: it was found out that even intensity and the time of use of the sound players have influence on the deafness, in exchange music and some kinds of hearphones are not risky factors for deafness caused by the use of sound players.


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How to Cite
Cháves, M. C.; Barreto, M. A.; López, D. Y.; Pino, L. J.; Potosí, Y. A.; Sotelo-Burbano, L. Threshold Hearing in Students of Second Semester of the School of Health Sciences of Cauca University Exposed a Noise Audio Players, 2007-2008. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Salud Univ. Cauca 2010, 12, 28-31.
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