Carbon monoxide intoxication: an event to be detected by the emergency service

  • Arnulfo Orobio-Quiñones Residente de tercer año, Medicina de Urgencias, Universidad CES
  • Marie Claire Berrouet Médica Toxicóloga, Hospital General de Medellín, Clínica Soma. Universidad CES
Keywords: carbon monoxide poisoning, Carbon monoxide, Carbon monoxide intoxication.


The carbon monoxide poisoning (CO) is a common condition. It is presented in 17.5 per 100,000 habitants. It is the main cause of poisoning mortality in developed countries. The condition requires a high index of suspicion and exhaustive evaluation of the patient circumstances. The diagnosis is complicated by the unspecific symptoms and lack of reliable markers. CO-oximetry is a tool that helps the diagnosis, therapeutic decision-making and monitoring. Although the evidence is still controversial, the best opportunity for patients intoxicated with CO is the use of oxygen at high concentrations in a hyperbaric chamber. Considering the difficult access to hyperbaric chamber in our setting, we must consider alternative therapies that can help reduce acute complications and chronic consequences.


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How to Cite
Orobio-Quiñones, A.; Berrouet, M. C. Carbon Monoxide Intoxication: An Event to Be Detected by the Emergency Service. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Salud Univ. Cauca 2017, 18, 18-24.
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