Sigmoid volvulus: narrative review

Keywords: Volvulus, Sigmoid Colon, Sigmoidectomy, Endoscopic devolvulation


Sigmoid volvulus (SV) is a disease described by von Rokitansky in 1836, but the earliest known information on the Ebers papyrus in Egypt, the oldest preserved medical document, dating to c.1550 BC. SV is the axial rotation of an air-filled segment of the large intestine over its narrow mesentery. Our objective was to carry out a review of the literature on the current literature of SV. For this, an extensive search was carried out in different databases such as: ScienceDirect, ProQuest, The Cochrane Plus Library, Ebsco, Pubmed, LILACS, Trip Database, SciELO and Intramed with the Descriptors in Health Sciences: volvulus, Colon Sigmoid, which contributed original articles, cases and series of clinical cases, diagnostic and treatment studies, chapters of texts concerning the management and treatment of the disease. Twenty-nine articles were included in this review, with remarkable information. Risk factors for the development of SV are known and success in treatment is related to an early diagnosis and appropriate action. There is a weight of knowing your management objective, controversy in it. A deferred sigmoidectomy is considered an effective procedure in those patients in whom endoscopic return has been successful in the first instance.


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Gastroenterology, General Surgery

Author Biographies

David Andrés Muñoz García, Universidad del Cauca, Médico y Cirujano, Popayán, Colombia.

Universidad del Cauca, Médico y Cirujano, Popayán, Colombia.

Diana Catalina Cardona Gómez, Universidad Libre sede Cali, Medica Interna, Cali, Colombia.

Universidad Libre sede Cali, Medica Interna, Cali, Colombia.

Yenifer Carime Hoyos Mendez, Universidad del Cauca, Médico y Cirujano, Popayán, Colombia.

Universidad del Cauca, Médico y Cirujano, Popayán, Colombia.


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How to Cite
Muñoz García, D. A.; Cardona Gómez D. C.; Hoyos Mendez, Y. C. Sigmoid Volvulus: Narrative Review. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Salud Univ. Cauca 2020, 22, 36-44.
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