Outpatient pharmacotherapeutic follow-up in hypertensive patients at a health center in Peru. Quasi-experimental study.

Keywords: Hypertension, Compliance, Adherence, Medication, Satisfaction, Patients


Objective: To determine the impact of outpatient pharmacotherapeutic follow-up in hypertensive patients in a health center in northern Perú.
Methods: An explanatory, before-after longitudinal study was carried out in 36 adult patients with a diagnosis of HTN, who attend the Unión Health Center-Trujillo, through 9 home visits, using the DÁDER method that evaluates the pharmacotherapeutic follow-up. Four instruments were used to evaluate the following parameters: level of knowledge by means of a questionnaire, adherence to treatment using the Morisky-Green-Levine test, degree of patient satisfaction through the Purdue Pharmacist Directive test and monitoring of arterial hypertension values using a record sheet.
Results: For the level of knowledge, the questionnaire obtained an average score of 5.3 in the third visit and 10 in the ninth. For the degree of adherence, the test reached an average value of 1.9 in the second home visit, being considered non-adherent and 0.0 in the ninth visit, showing total adherence to pharmacological treatment. Regarding the test to determine the level of satisfaction towards the pharmaceutical chemist, the result was 85.7% and 100% during the fourth and ninth home visit, respectively. Significant results were found for the 3 quantitative parametric parameters, showing 100% adherence, satisfaction, and adequate level of knowledge at the end of the SFT. Regarding blood pressure values, it began with a mean of 138.6/87.1 mmHg, decreasing to 118.8/79.3 mmHg at the ninth home visit.
Conclusions: Pharmacotherapeutic follow-up had a favorable impact on the control of hypertensive patients.


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How to Cite
García-Rodríguez, M. D.; Pinillos-Pozo, V. D. P.; Ochoa-Arias, S. D. P.; Pesantes-Sangay, S. J.; Lora-Loza, M. Outpatient Pharmacotherapeutic Follow-up in Hypertensive Patients at a Health Center in Peru. Quasi-Experimental Study. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Salud Univ. Cauca 2022, 24.
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