Changes in the Iberoamerican Cochrane Collaboration

Keywords: Cochrane, Informed Decisions, Scientific Method, Clinical Epidemiology


Since the middle of the last century, the idea of making informed decisions has been around among health professionals, based on the validity of applying the scientific method to clinical practice and, in this way, would allow the best possible outcomes for patients.

There were previous developments that supported this movement, such as problem-based learning and clinical epidemiology. Finally, in the 1990s, the increasingly used term Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) was promoted, which is now widely used and used in practice.


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Colaboración Cochrane. Marcamos la diferencia [Internet]. [citado 6 de noviembre de 2022]. Disponible en:

Enkin M, Keirse MJ, Chalmers I. Effective care in pregnancy and childbirth. Oxford University Press; 1989.

Red Cochrane Iberoamericana. Quiénes somos | Cochrane Iberoamérica [Internet]. 2022 [citado 6 de noviembre de 2022]. Disponible en:

How to Cite
Merchán, Ángela M.; Delgado-Noguera, M. Changes in the Iberoamerican Cochrane Collaboration. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Salud Univ. Cauca 2022, 24, 11-14.
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