Barriers and limitations during implementation of the surgical safety checklist of the World Health Organization

  • Rosa Amalia Arboleda Universidad del Cauca
  • Andrés Felipe Ausenón Universidad del Cauca
  • Jairo Alberto Ayala Universidad del Cauca
  • Diana Carolina Cabezas Universidad del Cauca
  • Lina Gissella Calvache Universidad del Cauca
  • Juan Pablo Caicedo Universidad del Cauca Departamento de Anestesiología
  • Jose Andres Calvache Universidad del Cauca Departamento de Anestesiología
Keywords: Surgical safety checklist, barriers, limitations, effective implementation


Introduction: The surgical safety checklist of the World Health Organization (WHO) is a tool that checks and evaluates each procedure in the operating room. Despite its demonstrated effectiveness, it has many limitations and barriers to its implementation. The aim of this article was to present the current evidence regarding limitations and barriers to achieve a successful implementation of the surgical safety WHO checklist. Methods: A narrative review was designed. We performed a systematic literature search in PubMed/MEDLINE. Articles that describe or present as primary or secondary endpoints barriers or limitations during the implementation of the checklist WHO were selected. Observational or experimental articles were included from the date of the official launch of the WHO list. To describe the data a summary table was designed. Detailed results were organized qualitatively extracting the most prevalent limitations. Results: 17 studies were included in the final review process. The main findings were: 1) a large number of constraints reported in the literature that hinder the implementation process, 2) limitations were grouped into 9 categories according to their similarities and 3) the most frequently reported category was “knowledge”. Discussion: There are several factors that limit the proper implementation of the surgical safety checklist WHO. Among these, cultural factors, knowledge, indifference and / or relevance, communication, filling completeness, among others. Effective implementation strategies would reach its successful implementation.


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How to Cite
Arboleda, R. A.; Ausenón, A. F.; Ayala, J. A.; Cabezas, D. C.; Calvache, L. G.; Caicedo, J. P.; Calvache, J. A. Barriers and Limitations During Implementation of the Surgical Safety Checklist of the World Health Organization. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Salud Univ. Cauca 2014, 16, 32-43.
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