Cumulative incidence of postoperative severe pain at Hospital Universitario San Jose, Popayan. Preliminar report

  • Ingrid Muñoz Universidad del Cauca Departamento de Anestesiología
  • Nathalia Romero Universidad del Cauca Departamento de Anestesiología
  • Jose Andres Calvache Universidad del Cauca - Departamento de Anestesiología Erasmus University Medical Center - Biostatistics and Anesthesiology Departments
Keywords: Postoperative pain, incidence, secondary effects


Introduction: Postoperative pain remains as a problem. National studies report incidences of 31% for moderate and 22% for severe pain. Inadequate analgesia is related to dissatisfaction and adverse outcomes. The aim of this study was to describe the incidence and characteristics of the postoperative pain in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) at Hospital Universitario San José of Popayán (HUSJ) in patients undergoing general anesthesia during the first postoperative hour. Methods: Cohort study. We recruited patients attending PACU and undergoing procedures using general anesthesia, between 18 and 70 years. Using a standardized collection form medical history, demographic data, medical history, anesthetic management, intraoperative analgesia and postoperative pain assessment by verbal and numerical pain scale (1-10) were recorded. Postoperative outcome data were also collected in the PACU. Results: The incidence of severe postoperative pain at 10 minutes was 12.3% 95%CI [7.1-18.2] (19 patients). Within 30 minutes of assessment 4.5% 95%CI [1.3-8.4] (7 patients) and 1.9% 60 minutes 95%CI [0-4.5] (3 patients). 48.7% required rescue analgesic at PACU. Incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) was significantly different in patients requiring rescue analgesic. Conclusion: The incidence of severe postoperative pain in the first postoperative hour at HUSJ is close to 12% and it decreases as time goes by. Patients requiring rescue analgesic have a higher incidence of postoperative complications such as PONV.


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How to Cite
Muñoz, I.; Romero, N.; Calvache, J. A. Cumulative Incidence of Postoperative Severe Pain at Hospital Universitario San Jose, Popayan. Preliminar Report. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Salud Univ. Cauca 2013, 15, 11-16.
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