Amyand´s hernia: Case report

  • Edwin Oveimar Muñoz-Ruiz Universidad del Cauca
  • Anuar Idrobo Universidad del Cauca
  • Juan Pablo Martínez Universidad del Cauca Departamento de Ciencias Quirúrgicas
  • Juan david Acosta Universidad del Cauca Departamento de Ciencias Quirúrgicas
Keywords: Amyand’s hernia, inguinal hernia, acute appendicitis


Objective: To report an unusual case of Amyand’s hernia in an 87 years old men. Methods: We performed the medical register in emergency service and the patient’ surgery in a three level hospital attention in Popayan Colombia. We consulted the available literature in pubmed data base since 1930’s to the present. Results: 87 years old men was received to the emergency service with a history of three days of inguinal pain associated to sensation of inguinal mass without fever and vomiting, was diagnosed intraoperatory as Amyand’s hernia. This disease is a rare disorder and its clinical diagnostic is difficult by its non specific symptoms. CT- Scan (Computerized Axial Tomography) is the most sensible method for diagnostic. Conclusion: Amyand’s hernia must be taken into account a possible diagnostic the acute appendicitis with right incarcerated inguinal hernia.


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How to Cite
Muñoz-Ruiz, E. O.; Idrobo, A.; Martínez, J. P.; Acosta, J. david. Amyand´s Hernia: Case Report. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Salud Univ. Cauca 2012, 14, 19-21.
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