Treatment of diaphysial fractures of humerus. An observational study

  • Ángela María Merchán Galvis Universidad del Cauca
  • Alexander Molina Empresa Social del Estado, Popayán, Cauca
  • Cristian Camilo Molina Hospital Universitario San José. Popayán, Cauca
  • Juan Manuel Concha Universidad del Cauca
Keywords: Fractures, bones, Humeral fractures, Diaphyses, Treatment


Introduction: The humeral shaft fractures represent about 3% of all fractures, may be accompanied by important neurovascular injuries and greatly affect the functionality of the patients who suffer them. Objective: To describe the characteristics of patients with fracture of the humeral shaft and the treatments applied in the University Hospital San José de Popayán, Colombia. Methods: An observational, cross-sectional study, in the period 2006-2010, in patients older than 18 years admitted to the emergency department. Results: There was a sample of 60 patients, mostly men (68.3%), with an average age of 42 years. The main cause of the trauma was traffic accidents (36.7%). The lesions were type A (63.3%) and were located mainly in the middle third (58.3%). The most of patients were treated surgically (85%) and among the complications recorded, the limitation to movement (30.8%) was highlighted. A statistically significant association was found between age and the mechanism of the trauma (p=0.018). Conclusion: One fifth of patients treated surgically presented complications, so it is considered necessary to develop studies that allow objectifying the choice of one therapy or another in the search of the greatest benefit for patients.


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How to Cite
Merchán Galvis, Ángela M.; Molina, A.; Molina, C. C.; Concha, J. M. Treatment of Diaphysial Fractures of Humerus. An Observational Study. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Salud Univ. Cauca 2018, 20, 18-23.
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