General aspects of the Patía valley

  • Hernando Vergara Varela Universidad del Cauca.
  • Patricia Torres Hernández Universidad del Cauca.
Keywords: Geographical scope, geomorphology, Valley of the Patía river, tropical dry forest, Cauca, Colombia


The valley of the Patía river, drained by the river of the same name, is a dry enclave that is part of the Colombian inter-Andean longitudinal valleys, located in the departments of Cauca and Nariño. The Patía River is one of the most important in the south west of Colombia and is considered the second largest on the Pacific coast. Geographically, it is called the Patía River in the town of El Hoyo, where the Timbio and Quilcacé rivers converge. El Timbio begins its journey, east of the municipality of Timbio and Quilcacé, near the Sotará volcano, in the municipality of Sotará, both located in the Central Cordillera of Colombia, in the department of Cauca.

As indicated by the environmental reconstruction of the Patía river valley, carried out by Vélez et al. (2005), palynological analyzes show a river system before 7830 14C years BP and (ca. 8590 years BP). After this date, the author states that the Patía River has gradually been displaced, it has formed swamps with the appearance of open vegetation and patches of dry forest around these swamps. During this period the swamps became partially and totally isolated from the river, covered by dry forest and subjected to frequent periods of desiccation and erosion. Finally the swamps migrated to a more terrestrial environment, in the surrounding areas with dry forest vegetation, heliophytic vegetation typical of open areas. It is possible that there was a human impact on the environment during this period. Between 3570 and 1990 14C years BP unstable conditions prevailed. After 1990 14C BP (ca. 2000 years BP), permanent water swampy conditions were re-established and vegetation in open areas surrounded the swamp. Agriculture and human activities were present and have continued ever since.

Dry forests in the Patía area have existed since the Holocene, and these dry conditions prevail and respond to precipitation changes mainly related to their position in the intertropical convergence zone (González-Carranza et al, 2008).


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How to Cite
Vergara Varela, H., & Torres Hernández, P. (2017). General aspects of the Patía valley. Revista Novedades Colombianas, 12(1). Retrieved from
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