Effect of temperature and air speed on the final humidity of thyme (thymus vulgaris)

  • Carlos Osvaldo Velásquez Santos Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano.
  • Julian Alberto Uribe Gómez Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano.
Keywords: Deshidratado, Caudal, Superficie de Respuesta, Especia


Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is a plant used in folk medicine. Its properties, are due to its essential oil. It is important to note that thymol, essential oil and dried leaf are classified by the US FDA as food suitable for human consumption. The article shows the results for the drying process of the thyme, whose main objective is to establish the incidence of the temperature and air speed on the final humidity, choosing the optimum drying range. Two methods were used to determine the density of thyme, the first was by displacement in a test tube, the second by azeotropic distillation, finding that the most recommended is the latter one. The wet method was determined by the second method, which was 80%. On the other hand, by means of an experimental design by response surface, it was found that temperature is the most significant factor on the final moisture of thyme with p-value = 0,0124 with a level of significance of 90%. To the temperature conditions found, it is observed that the best flow rate is adjusted to the region between 2050 - 2100 rpm, which corresponds to the best temperature region of 52-53°C.


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Author Biography

Julian Alberto Uribe Gómez, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano.
Facultad de ciencias económicas y administrativas. Magister en Gestión Tecnológica.


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How to Cite
Velásquez Santos, C. O., & Uribe Gómez, J. A. (2019). Effect of temperature and air speed on the final humidity of thyme (thymus vulgaris). Biotechnology in the Agricultural and Agroindustrial Sector, 17(1), 34–44. https://doi.org/10.18684/bsaa.v17n1.1202
Artículos de Investigaciòn
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