Hazard analysis and critical control points in the manufacturing of blancmange in a dairy derivatives plant in the municipality of Popayán

  • Diana María Chito Trujillo Universidad del Cauca https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2163-6561
  • Lina Gabriela Ortiz Muñoz Universidad del Cauca, Integrante del Semillero Indicadores de Calidad, Grupo de Investigación Biotecnología, Calidad Medioambiental y Seguridad Agroalimentaria (BICAMSA) https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9759-2844
  • Rubén Andrés Ortega Bonilla Universidad del Cauca, Integrante del Semillero Indicadores de Calidad, Grupo de Investigación Biotecnología, Calidad Medioambiental y Seguridad Agroalimentaria (BICAMSA) https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2205-1349
  • Alfonso Enrique Ramírez Sanabria Universidad del Cauca, Departamento de Química, Grupo de Investigación Catálisis
  • Maite del Pilar Rada Mendoza Universidad del Cauca, Departamento de Química, Grupo de Investigación Biotecnología, Calidad Medioambiental y Seguridad Agroalimentaria (BICAMSA) https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1456-1653
Keywords: Milk jam, Food Safety, Good Manufacturing Practices, HACCP, Quality, Traceability, Milk product, Processing, Critical points, Hazards


Manjar blanco is a dairy product commonly consumed in Latin America. Its production in some departments of Colombia such as Cauca and Valle del Cauca, main suppliers, is developed mostly by small artisanal family businesses which must adjust their sanitary and technical requirements to those set by the Ministerio de Salud y la Protección Social as a strategy of growth and competitiveness. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (or HACCP) is a path that the company has to ensure food safety and it is one of the first steps that microenterprises can undertake to meet regulatory guidelines associated to their products. The aim of this study was to design a HACCP plan for manjar blanco of a company of dairy products in Cauca department. A descriptive study was carried out by application of the seven principles of HACCP. This plan contains: description of the product and its use, flowchart of the process, hazard analysis, table of plan control with the critical control points (CCP), preventive actions and the establishment of documentation and verification procedures.


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How to Cite
Chito Trujillo, D. M., Ortiz Muñoz, L. G. ., Ortega Bonilla, R. A. ., Ramírez Sanabria, A. E. ., & Rada Mendoza, M. del P. . (2021). Hazard analysis and critical control points in the manufacturing of blancmange in a dairy derivatives plant in the municipality of Popayán. Biotechnology in the Agricultural and Agroindustrial Sector, 19(2), 214–233. https://doi.org/10.18684/bsaa.v19.n2.2021.1507
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