New records the Rabiblanca eagle (Parabuteo unicinctus) in southwestern Colombia

  • Estela Felipe Asociación para el Estudio y Conservación de las Aves Acuáticas en Colombia - CALIDRIS
  • Fernando Ayerbe Quiñones Grupo de Estudios en Geología, Ecología y Conservación (GECO), Universidad del Cauca
  • Isadora Angarita Asociación para el Estudio y Conservación de las Aves Acuáticas en Colombia - CALIDRIS.
Keywords: Parabuteo unicinctus, Cauca river valley, upper valley of the Patía river, Colombia, distribution


Harris’s Hawk is found from the south of the United States in Texas and Arizona to the north of Argentina. In Colombia, due to the absence of recent records from the middle part of the Cauca River valley this species has been considered extinct, and in the upper Patía River valley this species has been categorized as Vulnerable. The habitat loss is considered the most important reason for this regional extinction. In this document, we present five recent records of this species from the middle part of the Cauca River valley and the upper Patía River valley demonstrating that the species is not extinct from these two regions. Key words: Parabuteo unicinctus, Cauca river valley, upper Patía river valley, Colombia, Distribution


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How to Cite
Felipe, E., Ayerbe Quiñones, F., & Angarita, I. (2019). New records the Rabiblanca eagle (Parabuteo unicinctus) in southwestern Colombia. Revista Novedades Colombianas, 9(1), 42–47. Retrieved from
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