Criteria for the use and investigation of off-label drugs against covid-19 in Latin America

Keywords: Pedagogic, COVID-19, Medical education, Off-label.


The COVID-19 pandemic represents one of the most important challenges in public health’s history. Severity of the clinical picture and lack of supporting scientific evidence have led to compassionate use of off-label medications. Indiscriminate use of these medications, however, can be harmful for patients. The Latin American medical and scientific community is called upon to evaluate research hypotheses of treatments that could mitigate the impact of the pandemic on our populations.

Taking the use of ivermectin as an example, various criteria such as biological plausibility, methodological and statistically acceptable evidence, a favorable clinical response, a safe pharmacological profile, feasibility, and altruistic interest are proposed to support the use of offlabel treatments during the pandemic. These criteria would allow a more rational use of medications and prioritize research on potentially effective therapeutic options.


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Medicine, Epidemiology, Pandemic, COVID-19

Author Biography

Yeison Harvey Carlosama-Rosero, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Facultad de Medicina. Grupo Interdisciplinario de Investigación en Salud y Enfermedad. Pasto, Colombia.


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How to Cite
Carlosama-Rosero, Y. H. Criteria for the Use and Investigation of off-Label Drugs Against Covid-19 in Latin America. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Salud Univ. Cauca 2021, 23, 39-46.
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