Serological detection of blv in milk samples in a population of holstein cows, Antioquia

Keywords: Seroprevalence, ELISA, Glycoprotein-gp51.


The Bovine Leukosis Virus (BLV) is the etiological agent of the Enzootic Bovine Leukemia (EBL), this disease is infectious, chronic and specifically cattle, presenting a low percentage of patients with clinical manifestations. Between 30-70% of infected animals can develop persistent lymphocytosis (LP) and between 0,1-10% of cattle over three years of infection suffers some form of lymphosarcoma (LS). The aim of this work was serologically detection of BLV in milk samples from Holstein cows in three dairy herds in the department of Antioquia. Were taken 133 milk samples from Holstein cows three dairy herds located in the municipality of Medellin and Belmira, was conducted an indirect ELISA against gp51 envelope protein of the virus. The ELISA test showed a seroprevalence of 79,69% (106/133) for all samples tested. The herd was the largest herd seroprevalence 1 (82,86%), followed by the herd 2 (80%) and finally the herd 3 (77,08%). The presence of the BLV has increased in recent years in Antioquia, so fast and efficient diagnosis through reliable methodologies allow control over the spread of the disease in dairy herds.


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Author Biographies

Cristina Úsuga Monroy, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Grupo de Investigación BIOGEM. Zoot, M Sc, (e) Ph.D.
Lina Marcela López López, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Grupo de Investigación BIOGEM. (e) Zoot.
Karen Yepes Luna, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Grupo de Investigación BIOGEM. (e) Zoot.
José Julián Echeverri Zuluaga, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Grupo de Investigación BIOGEM. (e) Zoot.
Albeiro López Herrera, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Grupo de Investigación BIOGEM. Zoot, M.Sc, Ph.D


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How to Cite
Úsuga Monroy, C., López López, L. M., Yepes Luna, K., Echeverri Zuluaga, J. J., & López Herrera, A. (2017). Serological detection of blv in milk samples in a population of holstein cows, Antioquia. Biotechnology in the Agricultural and Agroindustrial Sector, 15(1), 131–137.
Artículos de Investigaciòn
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